You’re protected financially when you’re unable to work because of your own injury or medical condition (including pregnancy), or because you’re caring for a family member who is ill or injured. 

Short-term disability (STD)

Short-term disability (STD) insurance replaces some of your regular pay when you must miss work for more than a week because you’re having a baby, recovering from an illness or injury, or caring for a family member. In these situations, you’ll initiate a leave of absence with TRISTAR, which will start your STD benefits.

Your STD plan depends on where you live.

In California

You’re automatically enrolled in California Voluntary Disability Insurance (VDI). Here’s how it works:

  • You pay 0.5% of the first $159,000 of your pay, up to $795.
  • When you can’t work because of your own medical condition (including pregnancy), you receive 75% of your regular pay for up to 52 weeks. This money is not taxed, so the amount you receive may be close to your regular take-home pay.
  • When you take time off to bond with a new baby or care for another family member, you receive 100% of your regular pay for up to 16 weeks. Federal income tax (but not state tax) will be withheld from your payments. You may owe state tax on these payments when you file your state tax return.
  • Overtime, shift differentials, retention incentives, and bonuses are not included when calculating your STD benefit. The maximum weekly benefit payment is $4,800.
  • The amount of your benefit payment is calculated on your base pay at the time your leave begins and is fixed for the duration of your leave.  Leave taken intermittently for the same reason is considered one leave, so the benefit payment will remain the same as on the initial start date of your leave, even if there is a change in your base pay rate.
  • If you are unable to work beyond 52 weeks, your long-term disability benefit will begin in week 53.

Learn more in the VDI statement of coverage [PDF].

Outside California

You’re automatically enrolled in short-term disability (STD) insurance as a new employee or during annual benefits Open Enrollment. Here’s how it works:

  • You pay 0.5% of the first $159,000 of your pay (less any cost or state-mandated disability insurance), up to $795.
  • When you can’t work because of your own medical condition (including pregnancy), you receive 75% of your regular pay for up to 180 days. This money is not taxed, so the amount you receive may be close to your regular take-home pay.
  • When you take time off to bond with a new baby or care for another family member, you receive 100% of your regular pay for up to 16 weeks. Federal income tax (but not state tax) will be withheld from your payments. You may owe state tax on these payments when you file your state tax return.
  • Overtime, shift differentials, retention incentives, and bonuses are not included when calculating your STD benefit. The maximum weekly benefit payment is $4,800.
  • The amount of your benefit payment is calculated on your base pay at the time your leave begins and is fixed for the duration of your leave.  Leave taken intermittently for the same reason is considered one leave, so the benefit payment will remain the same as on the initial start date of your leave, even if there is a change in your base pay rate.
  • If you are unable to work beyond 180 days, your long-term disability benefit will begin on day 181.

Learn more about the Lam short-term disability plan [PDF] and your state disability plan (for employees in ColoradoMassachusettsNew HampshireNew Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington).

Think before you opt out

In some states, as a new employee and during Open Enrollment, you can opt out of the STD plan. If you decline coverage, you will not receive any STD benefits if you need to miss work because you have a baby, get sick, or need to care for a family member.

Long-term disability

You receive long-term disability (LTD) insurance automatically, and Lam pays for the cost of coverage.

If you remain unable to work after your short-term disability coverage ends, TRISTAR will notify Standard Insurance Company. Standard will determine your eligibility for LTD benefits and will manage the claim. 

You’ll receive 60% of your regular pay, untaxed, up to a maximum of $20,000 per month. The duration of your LTD benefit depends on your age when the benefit begins: 

Age at start of LTDBenefit duration
64 and underUp to Social Security normal retirement age (SSNRA)
65–68To age 70
69+One year

To learn more, review the certificate for Lam LTD Insurance [PDF] or Silfex LTD Insurance [PDF]